Ridge Forest Glen Homeowners Association


General information about the Association

The Ridge Forest Homeowner Assocation was formed in 2004 to manage and maintain the community of Ridge Forest Glen. The HOA is managed by a board made up of residents from within the community. The five to nine members of the Board that serve and operate the Association are elected by the neighborhood. Elections are held at our annual meeting in April each year as positions on the board become vacant. At each annual meeting we discuss neighborhood issues, and address any issues or concerns of the homeowners. Also, all homeowners in the Association are invited to contact the Board to present any issues of concern or to participate in the operation of the Association.

In addition to this website, we have a community newsletter that is published every other month starting with January. The newsletter contains timely information and updates on Association concerns, a calendar of events of interest to the community, as well as current contact information for members of the Board.

Association dues are set by the Board of Directors and are reviewed at the Annual meeting. Dues are currently $250.00 per year and are collected annually by January 31st. You will receive an invoice as a reminder in your mailbox approximately 30 days prior to each due date. The Association's fiscal year runs from January 1st through December 31st each year.

The HOA board may be contacted at:

    Ridge Forest Glen Homeowners Association
    P.O. Box 477
    Hanover, MD 21076-0477